If you have questions, need assistance or would like a paper copy of any of this information, please contact: 334/833-4416 • oir@yutb.net

The Huntingdon College Security Department serves the College community twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week, three hundred and sixty-five days a year.

The Campus Security Office is located in Wilson room 112.

Campus Security can be contacted at 334-324-6565 twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week, three hundred and sixty-five days a year.

Law Enforcement Authority of Campus Security

The mission of the Huntingdon College Security Department is to protect life and property, prevent and detect crime, maintain a successful parking and traffic system and to be of general service to the College in the furtherance of its overall mission.

Huntingdon College Security Officers have the authority to detain subjects and make arrests under the ARRESTS BY PRIVATE PERSONS provisions of Alabama Code Section 15-10-7.

Reporting Crime

Students, faculty, staff, visitors and all other constituencies are strongly encouraged to immediately report any and all crime to Campus Security (334-324-6565) who will assist with accurate and prompt reporting of all crimes on campus and will advise and assist in reporting crimes that occur off campus. Prompt and accurate reporting of incidents and/or crimes is vital to insure the issuance of timely warning notices and timely disclosure of crime statistics.


The Huntingdon College Security Department maintains a formal working relationship with the Montgomery Police Department (334-241-2831) and a professional working relationship with the Montgomery Sherriff’s Department (334-832-4982). In addition, Huntingdon College periodically contracts with the Montgomery Police Department to assist patrolling the campus during special events. While Huntingdon students, staff, faculty, visitors and other constituencies should be aware that crimes can be reported directly to local law enforcement; individuals are strongly encouraged to report first to Campus Security to insure a prompt institutional response.

The Montgomery Police Department responds to emergency calls to 911.

Although the College strongly encourages a victim or witness of a crime to talk to someone, the College provides online (Campus Crime Report Form) and phone options(334-833-4302) for anonymous reporting of crimes for inclusion in the annual disclosure of crime statistics.

Although victims and/or witnesses are strongly encouraged to report all incidences to Campus Security, crime reports may be made to Ms. Fran Taylor, Vice President and Dean of Students or Mr. Jay A. Dorman, Senior Vice President for Planning and Administration. All reports will be investigated. Huntingdon College encourages both pastoral and professional counselors, if and when they deem appropriate, to inform the persons they are counseling of procedures for reporting crimes on a voluntary, confidential basis for inclusion in its annual reporting of crime statistics.

When the College receives a report of a crime and/or incident that has the potential to impact the safety and/or security of its constituencies, timely warnings will be issued through the College’s emergency notification system, e-mails, social media or other means as appropriate.

Violations of the law may be referred to the appropriate federal, state and/or city judicial system.

Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Police & Crime Statistics Act
Right To Know

Huntingdon College fully complies with the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Police and Crime Statistics Act and as such annual statistics reflecting criminal offenses, arrests and judicial sanctions, both on and near campus, can be found below. In addition, the College fully complies with the SaVE Act, which is an amendment to the Clery Act legislation that requires expansion of reporting as it relates to incidents of domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault and stalking, and includes transparency, accountability and education provisions that have been fully incorporated into the College’s policies and/or procedures.

The College’s annual report of crime statistics is prepared by the Huntingdon College Chief of Security in consultation with the Director of Institutional Research, the Vice President and Dean of Students and the Senior Vice President for Planning and Administration.

The campus crime log is maintained in the Security Office located in Wilson 112 and is available upon request Monday-Friday 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.

CAMPUS CRIME REPORT Statistics for occurrences on or near campus for various crimes, including criminal offenses, crimes of prejudice (hate crimes), and liquor, drugs and illegal weapons violations for the previous three years are available in this report.

Access to Campus Facilities

The College has three campus entry gates. These gates are located at the following: main entrance of the College at Fairview Avenue, Woodley and Southview and Woodley and Thomas Avenue. The gates are locked each night. Exit from or entrance to the campus after the gates have been locked is provided by the Narrow Lane Road exit/entrance on the east side of campus or the Bankhead Avenue exits/entrances located on the west side of campus. Bypassing locked gates is strictly prohibited and considered a violation of Campus Security policy. The Campus is monitored by cameras placed at various locations.

Residence Hall exterior doors are locked and alarmed 24 hours a day. Each exterior door is equipped with an electronic swipe card reader for building access. Only residential students are allowed swipe card access to residence halls. Residence hall common areas are monitored by video surveillance.

Academic buildings are locked nightly (normally 10:00 p.m.) and unlocked each morning at approximately 6 a.m. Monday through Friday, and closed on Saturday and Sunday except for scheduled activities. Students who need access to non-residential buildings after hours must present to Campus Security written permission from an authorized faculty or staff person. Campus will not permit less than two people at a time inside a building after hours or on weekends, with the exception of Wilson Hall, which houses Campus Security and is accessible via a card swipe system 24 hours a day.

Neighborhood houses owned by the College that are used for student housing are key access only and equipped with burglar and fire alarm systems.

College Security, maintenance and custodial staff have access to all facilities, both on and off campus.

Campus Crime Prevention Act

The Campus Sex Crimes Prevention Act, section 1601g publication 106-386, was put into effect on October 287,2002. This law is intended to guarantee that when a convicted sex offender enrolls or begins employment at a college or university, members of the campus community will have the information that they need to protect themselves.

Specifically, this act amends or extends a number of federal laws; include the Jason Wetterling Act, Megans Law and the Jeanne Clery Act by requiring that;

Sex offenders who are already required to register in a given state provide notice, as required under the state’s law, of each institution of higher education in that state in which that person is a student or at which the person is employed or on a vacation.

State procedures ensure that this registration information is promptly made available to law enforcement agencies having jurisdiction over the area where the institution of higher education is located.

States enter this information into appropriate state ran data systems.

In addition, the Act amends the Family Educational Right and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA) by clarifying that nothing FERPA may be construed as prohibiting an educational institution from disclosing information provided to the institution concerning registered sex offenders; and requires the Secretary of Education to take appropriate steps to notify educational institutions that disclosures of this information is permitted.

The Alabama Bureau of Investigation will provide upon request the Huntingdon College Security Department with a list of registered sex offenders who have indicated that they are either enrolled or employed at Huntingdon College. These will be people that are considered adults that have been convicted of a sex offense as determined by law. Namely juveniles and those granted youthful offender status will not be released.

The list will include the following;

  • Name
  • Last known address
  • Race/ Sex
  • Date of Birth
  • Date of Registration
  • Offense
  • Status (employee/Student)
  • Campus attending when applicable

Huntingdon College will publish a statement in each annual campus safety/ crime statistics report where the registry may be found. Anyone who has an interest in this list may contact Student Life or Campus Security to obtain this information. Additionally Huntingdon College will publish on the Alabama Bureau of Investigation website where a list of all registered sex offenders in the state of Alabama may also be obtained. (http://dps.alabama.gov/community/w8sexoffendersearch.aspx)

Students or employees who have failed to properly register as a sex offender, will be removed from the College.

There are no student or employee registered sex offenders associated with the College as of the date of this writing.

The Office of Student Life will work in conjunction with the Admissions office to review all student applicants that indicate they have been convicted of a crime. If it is determined that the potential student is a convicted sex offender, verification will be made by the Huntingdon College Security Department. Additionally, the circumstances surrounding the conviction will be reviewed before the person is considered for admission to the College.

The Human Resources Office conducts criminal background checks on all new employees. Questions or comments? Contact the Security Office at 334-324-6565.

Missing Student Notification

Anyone who has a concern about and/or notices a student who appears to be missing from normal activities is strongly encouraged to contact Campus Security  (334-324-6565). Campus Security should be contacted when a student has been missing for twenty-four (24) hours. Upon notification of a missing student, Campus Security will notify the Vice President and Dean of Students, the Director of Residential Life, the Vice President for Planning and Administration and local law enforcement authorities as deemed appropriate. When applicable, a report will be filed with the local law enforcement authorities and a BOLO (Be On Look Out) will be made regarding the missing student along with the following information as it is available:

  • Name
  • Address
  • Permanent Address (if different from student address)
  • Phone Number(s)
  • Physical Description
  • Clothing when last seen
  • Last seen location
  • Physical condition when last seen
  • Vehicle description and license plate number
  • Description of anyone missing person was seen with
  • Medical or special conditions

Once engaged, local law enforcement will have jurisdiction in reference to investigation and all leads will be forwarded to them by the Chief of Security as they are received.

Huntingdon College officials will, to the best of their ability, cooperate with local law enforcement and shall interview students, faculty and/or staff as appropriate.

All students have the option to register a confidential contact person to be notified in the case that the student is determined to be missing. Only authorized campus officials and/or law enforcement officers may have access to confidential contact information. Confidential contact information is obtained and maintained by the Director of Residential Life. If a student has not registered a contact person, he/ she may still be reported as a missing person.

Huntingdon College will, as set forth by the Higher Education Act, notify parents or guardians of any dependent student who is reported missing.

Security Phones

For additional security, security phone boxes are located behind Flowers Hall (west entrance), the Narrow Lane Parking Lot, the Searcy Parking Lot, in front of Blount Hall, in front of Searcy Hall, in front of Ligon Hall, at the main entrance of the Wilson Gym, and at the Weil Center (north west entrance). Local emergency responders and campus security can be contacted from these phones.

Security Escort System

Campus Security provides an escort service 24 hours a day for those who are traveling across campus at night and for those who have mobility challenges, etc. You may call 334.324.6565 to request a Security Officer escort.

Educational Programs & Awareness Campaigns

Huntingdon College is committed to providing ongoing preventive, informative and supportive programming for all members of the College community. Campus wide programs are designed to increase safety awareness, develop self-defense techniques, improve communication skills between men and women, encourage safe and positive options for bystander intervention, help prevent acquaintance and stranger rape, build self-esteem, and provide information on steps to take in the event of a sexual assault. Educational information about the involvement of alcohol and drugs in sexual assaults is provided. Informational brochures and pamphlets focusing on sexual assault are available for the College community. These materials include definitions of various types of sexual assaults, information concerning their prevalence and general occurrence, options and services available for victims, and possible penalties and sanctions for assailants. Additional written material on rape will be provided for victims, their family members and friends. The entire College community is urged to take responsibility for them by taking advantage of educational programs offered on Campus, by reviewing literature available in the HUT and by avoiding conditions, which may pose a threat to their personal safety.

Annual Fire Safety Report

No fires occurred on Huntingdon College property during the fiscal years 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, or 2014 or in any of the below listed residence halls.

Blount Residence Hall, located at 3025 Bankhead Avenue, has a sprinkler system installed for fire protection. The sprinkler system is inspected quarterly by an outside licensed vendor. The Fire Marshall conducts semi-annual inspections of this residence hall. This residence hall has a total of 4 floors, no basement, and there are fire extinguishers located on each floor. There is a Knox Box located at the front entrance that can only be opened by the Montgomery Fire Department. Pull stations are also located on each floor of this residence hall. Smoke detectors are present in every room. The fire panel is inspected annually by a licensed outside vendor. Monthly fire drills are conducted at this residence hall by Campus Security officers and Residential Life staff, and all documentation is on file in the Security Office (Wilson 112).

Ligon Residence Hall, located at 3165 Jim Wilson Loop East, is a masonry constructed building equipped with smoke detectors. The Fire Marshall conducts semi-annual inspections of this residence hall. This residence hall has a total of three floors with no basement, and there are fire extinguishers located on each floor. Smoke detectors are present in every room. Pull stations are located on each floor of this residence hall. The fire panel is inspected annually by a licensed outside vendor. Monthly fire drills are conducted at this residence hall by Campus Security officers and Residential Life staff, and all documentation is on file in the Security Office (Wilson 112).

Pratt-Hanson, located at 3130 Jim Wilson Loop West, is a masonry constructed building equipped with a sprinkler system which is inspected quarterly by a licensed vendor. The Fire Marshall conducts semi-annual inspections of this residence hall. This residence hall has a total of four floors and a basement, but students only reside on the first floor of Hanson. Fire extinguishers are present in this building, and smoke detectors are present in every room. The fire panel is inspected annually by a licensed outside vendor. Monthly fire drills are conducted at this residence hall by Campus Security and Residential Life staff, and all documentation is on file in the Security Office (Wilson 112).

Searcy Residence Hall, located at 3033 Bankhead Avenue, is a masonry constructed building equipped with smoke detectors. The Fire Marshall conducts semi-annual investigations of this residence hall. This residence hall has a total of three floors and a basement, and there are fire extinguishers located on each floor. Pull stations are located on each floor of this Residence Hall. Smoke detectors are present in every room. The fire panel is inspected annually by a licensed outside vendor. Monthly fire drills are conducted at this residence hall by Campus Security officers and Residential Life staff, and all documentation is on file in the Security Office (Wilson 112).

Prohibited Items in Reference to Residence Halls

Items among those not allowed in or around the residence halls include:

  • candles
  • halogen lamps
  • grills, charcoal, and George Foreman types
  • toaster ovens

Further information regarding prohibited items in the residence halls is published annually in the Huntingdon College Student Handbook.

When identified, a student will be required to remove items from his/her room that constitute a fire hazard, that hinder appropriate cleaning, or that are disturbing to the other residents. Possession of any such items will result in disciplinary actions. Students may use small electrical appliances such as hair dryers, radios, televisions, and small sized refrigerators.

Smoking Policy

Smoking is not permitted in any building or on the grounds of Huntingdon College.

Emergency Response and Evacuation Procedures

In the event of an emergency, students, faculty, staff and administration will be notified through e-mail announcements or other appropriate means with information on the nature of the emergency, what actions should be taken, and where to turn for further information.

Students, faculty, staff, and administrators will be notified as soon as possible through the Emergency Notification System. Students should receive this message by e-mail and by cell phone. Faculty, Staff, and Administrators should receive this message by e-mail, cell phone, and office phone.

A test of this system will occur once a semester. If you do not receive a text message, please contact the Office of Technology and Support Services as soon as possible via email (techteam@yutb.net) or (334) 833-4000 to make sure they have a working phone number for you and to ensure that you receive future emergency notifications.

This process will be carried out by the Director of Technology Support Services or the Assistant Vice President for Communication and Marketing as instructed to do so by the college President and the Senior Vice President for Planning and Administration. The Assistant Vice President for Communication and marketing will address the news media, will make statements on behalf of the College, and will ensure that accurate information is passed on to the larger community.

The emergency notification system is tested once each semester. Documentation is maintained, including a description of the test, date and time, and whether it was announced or unannounced. This test will be conducted by the Chief of Security. All documentation in reference to this test will be available at the Security office located at Wilson 112.

A copy of Emergency Management Plan, Emergency Evacuation Plan, and the Residence Hall Procedure Policy is available from the Office of Institutional Assessment and Compliance upon request.

Procedures for Student Housing Evacuation

When a fire alarm is activated at any residence hall, students are expected to evacuate the building as soon as possible and assemble at the east end of the parking lot located outside each residence hall. Students are permitted to re-enter the residence hall when the all clear is given. If anyone discovers a fire, they are to sound the fire alarm and call 911 or Campus Security at 334-324-6565 immediately.

If a fire does occur, campus security will notify the Dean of Students, Director of Residential Life, and the Senior Vice President for Planning and Administration. Directors of Maintenance and Security, along with the Montgomery Fire Department will work together in determining the cause of the fire and determining all parties involved.

All Residential Directors and Residential Advisors receive training from Campus Security in reference to fire safety training and evacuation. Campus Security also trains faculty and staff to evacuate the building they are occupying at the time the fire alarm is activated and to assemble outside at least fifty yards away from the building until the all clear is given. The Residential Life staff has hall meetings with students on each floor and goes over the proper procedures to follow when the fire alarm is activated. They also inform student of items that they can and cannot have in their respective rooms.

For a copy of our Emergency Campus Evacuation for Residence Hall pertaining to a fire and Residence Hall Emergency Procedure and Policy, please contact 334/833-4416 or oir@yutb.net.

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